Hokkaido Treasure Island Travel > Sustainability Action Plan

Sustainability Action Plan

Sustainability Action Plan



The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include valuable goals strongly related to the travel industry. We regard working towards realizing the SDGs as a common issue and our social responsibility for creating a sustainable society around the world. With this in mind, we work to promote partnerships with various stakeholders (customers, governments, local governments, partner companies, NGOs / NPOs, etc.) and carefully support sustainable tourism development together with the local residents of Hokkaido. We will actively promote the development of our travel products and services aiming for out-of-the-box creative solutions, using our originality and overwhelming creativeness as our weapons.

Our company mission is “Realizing the true value and worth of Hokkaido the island of treasures together with the locals.” In order to achieve our mission and a more sustainable society, will contribute to the following areas.


We are promoting the creation of an environment that is worth working for everyone. We support creation of a diverse working community.

We support flexible working styles that do not have to fit within the traditional frameworks of work. Hokkaido Treasure Island Travel Inc. is making various efforts to create a comfortable working environment for everyone. Since there are many female employees in our company, our action plan is also characterized by the importance of creating an environment where each woman can work comfortably. We aim at creating an environment where anyone can work healthily and implement their creativity and individuality regardless of their gender.

We have adopted a working system that allows one to select their own work style. We promote the training of female managers and support balancing work and childcare, as well as encourage remote working when needed (e.g. Utilization of IT tools and flex-style work system).

We believe that taking care of our diverse human resources helps us to become an organization that can accept and treasure human diversity, which leads to innovation and inspiration.

We will promote the development of new tourism resources that take into account the local environment, nature, culture and industry.

We support the sustainable development of the Hokkaido regions through tourism. In cooperation with each region in Hokkaido, we are promoting support for tourism development in rural areas in a way that increases the number of people interacting with each other and minimizes the environmental burden caused by tourism. We will respect the history, nature, culture and key industries that the local residents have protected in the region and contribute to the revitalization of each region in the field of tourism in order to connect and hand over what is important to the new generation.
We strongly believe in developing of tourism as a local industry and economic resource. What is important, is making tourism a truly people-centered industry, that involves the local communities and leaves no one behind. We really believe this way of operating promotes the growth and development of various local industries as one of the foundations of a sustainable society. We will continue to promote local tourism development in Hokkaido through the creation of tourism areas that utilize the local resources.

In order to become a pioneer in the future travel industry, we are promoting management with an awareness of sustainable tourism.

Connecting Hokkaido and the World, we work to convey the brilliance of Hokkaido. Hokkaido Treasure Island Travel Inc. works to promote mutual understanding across nationalities, races, languages and cultures, to increase cultural exchange in Hokkaido and to revitalize the travel market. We think it is our social role and responsibility.
Travel connects different cultures and communities. Travel enriches our lives, creates happiness and makes us understand ourselves and each other. In order to build and preserve a sustainable society that the future generations can love, and where they can grow together with people from all around the world, we promote our various sustainable partnerships, environmental partnerships and products in the tourism industry. Now and in the future, we promise to proceed with this action plan and with our actions strive to change the future of travel industry for a more sustainable world.
* We also act as a founding director of JARTA (Japan Alliance of Responsible Travel Agencies), an alliance that allows fellow travel agencies around the country to collaborate with each other.

Our actions to create a sustainable future:English message
Key Initiatives Regarding Our Sustainability Efforts:English message


A few examples of “Hokkaido, Japan Rural Experiences”

The many experiences we offer you are not offered by other travel agencies.
Our personal attention to detail & friendly persona guarantee fun & relaxed breaks for everyone we meet. Travel in Hokkaido in luxury coaches or cars in our company of friendly tour guides who will introduce you to everything Hokkaido, Japan.

Experience traditional Japanese cuisine in the countryside (Japan local cuisine)
Japanese culture experience passed down in rural district(Pounding mochi)
Interact with the history passed down our predecessors (Ainu culture)


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